Focus and Scope


Human Rights in the Global South (HRGS) focuses on contemporary analysis of human rights development in the Global South countries. Manuscripts with different methodologies are welcome but an empirical approach is preferable. 

This journal seeks to disseminate human rights perspectives on both civil and political rights as well as economic, social, and cultural rights from Global South countries. Given the contextual problem of human rights in the Global South arises with the tension between universal principles and particularism, this journal also accepts manuscripts from Asian jurisdictions, including Singapore, Japan, South Korea and other developed countries situated in Asia.

Authors may submit their manuscripts, but not limited to, on constitutional rights, labour and migrant rights, political rights, religious freedom, health care, women and child rights, minority rights, land rights, indigenous rights, social rights, cultural rights, educational rights, and various additional human rights issues in the region according to the development of the issue.